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Writer's picturematt smith

Ten-Year-Old Bastards: The Story of an Enduring Buffalo Thrash-Punk Band

(Editor’s Note — BastardBastardBastard is one of Buffalo’s hardest working bands, gigging and touring relentlessly while grinding it out through a succession of lineup changes and other challenges that often confront — and sometimes sink — DIY musicians. It hasn’t always been easy, but the band has always managed to endure. And now, it’s celebrating its 10-year anniversary. Recently, the band’s founder Brandon Neil was kind enough to speak with 1120 Press about his formation of the band, his journey and, at times, struggle to keep it going, and his passion for being a Bastard. We’re thankful for his time. It was a great talk. Besides Neil (guitar), the band’s current lineup includes Dave Ligammari (drums), Lelan Allen (bass) and Maximo Melchiorre (vox). The band will mark its anniversary this Saturday with an all-ages show at Area 54. The bill includes Exham Priory, The Living Braindead, and Cobratits, with an appearance by PotusxXx, as well. Doors at 7 p.m. - Music at 8 p.m. - $10 cover. — Photos provided by Brandon Neil. B&W Photo by Meredith Snow Photography)

1120 PRESS: Thank you for speaking with us and congratulations on the band’s 10-year anniversary! What goes through your mind when you reflect on that milestone?


BRANDON NEIL: I can't believe it's been 10 years since I started this band. It seems like just yesterday I was trying to figure out how to navigate this whole band thing. I've learned so much over the years with figuring out how to network with other bands/musicians/promoters. I hope I can continue to grow and continue this band for another 10 years.


1120: This anniversary hasn’t been without your fair share of tribulations, with band turnover and such. Were there times you thought to yourself — ‘Ok, the run is over?’ And, why do you think you have been able to keep it going?

BN: When I first decided to start my own band, I had no idea how to find other musicians that shared my vision of playing the style of music that resonated with me. I got lucky with Facebook, and connected with my first drummer, Sean (Brennan). Having been a DIY show promoter for a couple years prior, I was able to connect with Alaysa (Dale), who lived at 54 Northrup, which was a

legendary basement venue that I worked with on numerous shows. She decided to join up with us. Eventually life gets in the way, and priorities change which is to be expected. I've had a number of people come and go in my tenure of the band. I appreciate everything each bandmate has contributed over the years. I feel like having many different inputs and experiences has contributed to the evolution of the band's sound, and philosophy over the years. It's never easy to see a bandmate leave, but you can't let that deter you from doing what you love. There's been plenty of times I thought I should end the band, but the drive to keep going is always there. 


1120: When you started the band, what was your goal and how do you think those goals have changed over the years?


BN: When I started the band I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew I wanted to play

the music that resonated with me. I didn't have a specific goal initially, but with time my ambitions led to playing anywhere I could get a show. Having been a promoter for local and touring bands, I eventually met and connected with others who shared similar goals. It has afforded me the opportunity to travel all over the East and Midwest of the United States.


1120: What would you say about the band’s current lineup in terms of how this iteration of BastardBastardBastard is different than others?


BN: Every lineup we've had has brought something new to the table, and I feel that has helped everyone involved grow as musicians. I’d say we’ve really hit a stride with this lineup. The contribution feels really balanced, and everyone is bringing different things to the table both musically and behind the scenes. We all have different skill sets, backgrounds, and ideas, and we’re doing our best to embrace all those aspects as a whole. I’d say Dave, Lelan & Maximo are all stylistically unlike any of the drummers, bassists, and vocalists I’ve worked with, and so this lineup feels truly unique for the band. And now, a year and a half into this current lineup, things have really started to really settle in. We’ve all gotten more comfortable together and we’re all fully bringing our own thing, and I think that’ll really show more and more starting with the music we’re planning to release in 2025.


1120: You guys are pretty relentless when it comes to playing gigs and touring and you’ve been all over, it seems, this past year both locally and in other states. Can you talk about the band’s philosophy and approach to not only gigging and touring, but writing, planning and spreading the band’s message/sound?


BN: When it comes to the amount of shows we've played even within the last year and a half, I've been fortunate enough to work with a lot of amazing people. Having been in the game for this long, I've made connections all over the country. Every show is a new experience, even though it comes with challenges. With every show under our belt, it helps us grow as a band and get more comfortable together. The philosophy behind the band is to spread the message of community, and that we are all in this together. Meeting other people who share this mindset is a huge boost to continue doing what we do. With this current lineup, we've gotten to play a ton of out-of-state shows and it seems to never end. With the year winding down, we plan on slowing down on the shows, and focus on writing new music. 


1120: So, on Saturday (Oct. 12) BastardBastardBastard will be marking its 10-year anniversary with a show at Area 54. What do you want people to know about the show and what should people expect?

BN: This show is the culmination of a decade of hard work, blood, sweat, tears, drinks, highs and lows. Throughout the years, myself and my bandmates have poured our hearts into this band. It truly has taken a village to make BastardBastardBastard what it is today. I’m proud to say that leading up to our 10-year anniversary, we’re the best we’ve ever been. We have prepared a special set spanning the “Eras” of BastardBastardBastard that will feel like a highlight reel for anyone who’s been around since the beginning! Exham Priory are one of the best acts around. They haven’t played Buffalo in 3 years, and they’re going to be bringing absolute thunder to this show. We had the pleasure of seeing The Living Braindead at their recent 5-year anniversary. They’re riding the highs of their new lineup and they’ve been crushing it live. And Cobratits has a brand new singer. I believe it’ll be his first show and we’re excited to hear how they sound now. They will complete our lineup kicking off the show with some wicked doom vibes. Also, I’ve definitely heard the rumblings of a “PotusxXx surprise,” but honestly, I don’t know much about that! So I guess you’d better be there! 


1120: Thank you for speaking with us and again, congratulations! Before we go, is there anything else you want to add that we haven’t touched on?


BN: It's been a hell of a journey for me, and everyone I've had the honor of working with over the years. It hasn't always been easy, but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. Thank you to everyone I've worked with in any capacity, and everyone I've met through music. Be on the lookout for new and exciting things next year! Thanks again for speaking with me.




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